Sunday, March 30, 2008

Installing AutoCAD 2009

AutoCAD 2009 shipped last week to all the users that are on subcription with Autodesk. I installed mine today and wanted to share the installation experience with you all. I've been installing AutoCAD software for over 20 years now, and you always wonder how easy and trouble free it's really going to be. My installation went very smooth, and took approximately 20 minutes.
AutoCAD 2009 CD Box

I will give a step-by-step overview below of how the installation works, and what it looks like to install AutoCAD 2009.

The first step after inserting the installation CD, is to select Install Products.
After that, you select what Products you want to install, AutoCAD 2009 was checked on by default.

Next you need to Accept the License Agreement.Next you have the option to Review, Configure, or Install. After looking over the default installation settings I noticed that the installing the Materials Library was checked off. So I selected Configure, so I could check it on .Next you select what license type you want to install, Stand Alone, or Network.

Then you select the Installation Type, Typical is the default.
The next dialog states that the Configuration is Complete.
You are almost done! The Installtion Wizard now installs everything.After a few minutes the Installation Complete dialog appears.
Once you pick Finish, you can choose to Restart your computer now, or later. The installation Wizard places this shortcut on the Desktop.

Doubleclick the shortcut and your new AutoCAD 2009 comes to life. You will be asked if you want to migrate your settings from your older versions of AutoCAD that are on your computer. You are then asked if you would like to register now or later. I decided to register right then and it took less than a minute.

Viola! Your new AutoCAD 2009 is ready to be experienced!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weekend CAD Warrior!

How many of you out there use your AutoCAD for projects at home? Personally, I can't think of any better use for $3,000 software, and a $2,000 computer, than to design a $20 home project!

I love home remodel projects, and I've been a woodworker since I was 10 years old. So I'm starting an addition to my blog that shows how AutoCAD, or any CAD package, can save you time and improve your design projects at home.

The first project that I would like to present is one of the simplest ones I've done lately. I found two old outdoor chairs at a demolishion site in Oceanside California. I wanted to update the look and give them a new paint color. My first step was to decide what design I wanted to give the back and arms. I felt something similar to a loose interpetation of a adirondack chair would work fine. So I drew up a few options in AutoCAD as shown below.

I decided that I wanted the beveled back option. Drawing options in CAD is a great way to see different options and get cutting dimensions.

So here is the final result. The picture below shows one chair completed and one chair as I found them.

Not bad for for a $20 investment!

I will add my Weekend CAD Warrior column to my blog a couple times a month, so stay tuned for the next CAD home project.

~Peace to everyone~